

Gain exclusive access to all the benefits of our members

Membership offers numerous advantages, primarily prestige and preferential selection of hunting opportunities. As part of sustainable hunting, only a certain number of permits are released each year according to the hunting plan.


Preferential hunting

Preferential selection of licenses issued for the new hunting season.

Diversity of hunting grounds

The possibility of hunting in diverse hunting grounds, from beautiful lowlands to mysterious mountains.

Time-based licenses

Time-limited licenses in designated hunting areas, tailored precisely to your hunting experience preferences.

Solo hunting

Calm and undisturbed solitary hunts in amazing hunting grounds.

Driven hunt

Participation in group hunts for hoofed and small game under our management.

Other events

Joint gatherings at events with hunting themes, dog shows, training shooting sessions and much more.
Our members

Become a part of our hunting family.

All our members share a love for nature, animals, and hunting. Each member has specific preferences and enjoys their hunting experience in their own way. Our Ethical Code sets the rules for how to approach nature with respect and sustainability.

Don't miss any opportunity
Petrovická 283, CZ-344 01 Domažlice
+420 771 140 360
Správa myslivosti

Sustainable and ethical management of natural wealth

Správa myslivosti © 2022 – 2025