About Us

Česká správa myslivosti
Our Main Idea

Gentlemanly approach to hunting wild game

Ensuring the ability of the ecosystem to sustain processes, functions, and biological diversity and productivity into the future. This way of managing is built on a fundamental cycle: soil nourishes the forest and plants → plants create a habitat and nourish animals → animals and plants nourish humans → humans nourish the soil. This elegant cycle repeats sustainably and endlessly, enabling human existence on this planet.

Fostering an elevated respect for nature and the life of every creature through the ethics and character of every hunter. Those who hold the authority over life and death must stand on a morally high ground. If a hunter is granted the privilege to take the lives of animals, they are also bound by duties arising from this privilege. A hunter must refrain from inflicting suffering upon animals and is duty-bound to care for and safeguard them. Their purpose is not solely to terminate lives but to nurture and protect. In their interactions with wildlife, every hunter imbibes values of compassion, culture, restraint, and nobility, while actively curbing selfishness, envy and superiority.

Safeguarding distinctive hunting traditions. No other nation or state has as deeply rooted hunting ethics, customs, traditions, and culture in the realm of hunting and gamekeeping as the Czech Republic. Thanks to this, Czech hunting is elevated to a national cultural treasure. The ethics, history, customs, traditions, hunting culture, and art in the field of hunting are the social, spiritual, and philosophical pillars that have played a significant role in recognizing hunting as an essential element within the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Czech Republic.

It started like this

Why the Czech Hunting Authority?

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O nás
We lacked a sustainable approach to game management with wild animals.
We lacked an ethical approach to hunting and its utilization as a natural resource.
We were missing the fading tradition of the relationship between humans and nature through hunting.
We lacked the logic of the relationship between wildlife and modern landscape, forestry and agriculture.
Don't miss any opportunity
Petrovická 283, CZ-344 01 Domažlice
+420 771 140 360
Správa myslivosti

Sustainable and ethical management of natural wealth

Správa myslivosti © 2022 – 2025