
Wild boar in rut

Wild boar in rut

The rutting season of wild boars regularly begins in November and lasts through December into January.

During the rut, males, which had previously lived as loners, seek out herds of sows and engage in fierce battles to win them over. They make angry squeals and gnash their teeth during these confrontations.

These battles between males can be ruthless, often resulting in injuries caused by their long teeth. Overpowering a rival and biting into their flanks can even lead to the breaking of a tooth.


Wild boars can be lured using a call that imitates the presence of other wild boars.

To lure successfully, one must know the right places for stands and the animal's habitat during the rut, master the art of concealment, understand wind patterns, be familiar with the behavior of the animals, and, most importantly, be able to perfectly imitate the animal's call.

Hunting period

November 1st - January 31st
The peak of wild boar rutting season occurs throughout December.


Wild boars favor floodplain and expansive forests adjacent to farmland. They are often found in mixed or deciduous forests with a presence of oak and beech trees. They seek out wallows with mud where they cool themselves, and they enjoy rubbing against trees. For resting, they seek out dense thickets, and in the summer, they are drawn to extensive grain and corn fields.

Their diet is diverse, ranging from animal to plant matter. They prefer fruits of forest trees such as acorns, beech nuts, and chestnuts. They also seek out grains, the roots of various herbs and ferns, but they do not disdain insects, amphibians, reptiles, bird nestlings that nest on the ground, small rodents, fawns, and carrion.


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